We can find out memory usage of SQL Server by using below scripts. select total_physical_memory_kb/1024 AS total_physical_memory_mb, available_physical_memory_kb/1024 AS available_physical_memory_mb,
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SQL Server :- STUFF AND FOR XML PATH for String Concatenation
STUFF AND FOR XML PATH in SQL Server :- We can use XmlPath(”) to concatenate multiple column data into single
Continue readingConcatenate text from multiple rows into a single string in SQL server?
suppose there is a table entrepreneur in a database holding names, with multiple rows like below:- For Example:- Company_Id
Continue readingWhat’s the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE in SQL
The difference between TRUNCATE, DELETE, and DROP is one of the most common interview questions. Here are some of the
Continue readingWhat are the difference between DDL, DML, DCL and TCL commands?
DDL Data Definition Language (DDL) statements are used to define the database structure or schema. Some examples are:- CREATE –
Continue readingSQL SERVER:- How To get List of SQL Server Jobs and Their Owners
With the help of below script we are able to get the SQL Server jobs and respective owner details in
Continue readingFind Percentage Completion Of Currently Running Processes Or Job In SQL Server
In SQL Server Some tasks that are running take a long time to run and it is sometimes difficult to
Continue readingSQL Server :- Get Statistics Of All Objects Of A Database In SQL Server
With the help of Below Query you are able to find the details about Statistics of a database in SQL
Continue readingHow to get when your SQL server was last restarted?
Through below script you are able to find SQL Server Last Restart Time:- SELECT sqlserver_start_time from sys.dm_os_sys_info;
Continue readingSQL Server :- How to check User database size in SQL Server?
Through below Script we are able to find out the User database Size in SQL Server. Check User database size
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