ArrayList : No method is synchronized. Multiple threads can access ArrayList simultaneously. Hence Array List object is not thread safe.
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ArrayList in Java
ArrayList:- The underlying data structure for array list is re-sizable array or growable array Insertion order is preserved Duplicate objects
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List (I) : List is the child Interface of collection. If we want to represent a group of individual objects
Continue readingCollection And Collections Framework In Java
Collection:- A group of individual objects as a single entry is called Collection. Collection Framework: It defined several Classes &
Continue readingDifference between Arrays And Collections In Java
Arrays:- Arrays are fixed in size. Memory point of view arrays concept is not recommended to use. Performance point of
Continue readingCollections in Java
An array is an index & collection of fixed number of homogeneous data element. Limitation of object arrays: Arrays are
Continue readingJava Program for Binary To Decimal Conversion
We are taking binary number as input from user and write a Jav program to convert the given binary number
Continue readingJava Program to Print Prime Numbers from 1 to N or 1 to 100
Prime number is a number which is not having any factors except 1 & itself. Java Program to Print Prime
Continue readingJava Program to Calculate Area And Circumference of Circle
In this java program we are going to calculate area and circumference of a circle. For this we will use
Continue readingJava program to count the occurrence of each character in a string
In this Java program, we will have to count the frequency of the occurrence of each character of a string
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