Caesar cipher is one of the earliest known and simplest ciphers. It is a type of replacement cipher in which
Continue readingJava program to display date in different timezone in Java-PST GMT IST
In this java Program we are using SimpleDateFormat class to display a date in multiple Timezone in Java. Java
Continue readingDifference between HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap in Java Collection
ConcurrentHashMap is introduced as an alternative of Hashtable in Java 1.5 version, ConcurrentHashMap is a synchronized collection class, And the
Continue readingPython Program to Check String is a Palindrome or not
In this Python program we are going to use the slice technique. in slice technique means with the help of
Continue readingPython Program to Check Number is Palindrome Or Not
Below Python program takes a number as a input from user and checks whether it is a palindrome or not.
Continue readingHow to check string contains special characters in Java
In this Java program we will learn how to check the string contains special characters in java using regex .
Continue readingSQL Server – Difference Between Clustered and Non-Clustered Indexes
An index can be best described as a pointer to data in a table. An index in a database is
Continue readingSQL Server SUBSTRING() Function
In SQL Server , the SUBSTRING functions allows you to extract a substring from a string that is varchar data-type.
Continue readingSQL Coalesce function in SQL Server
The SQL COALESCE function is used to handle NULL values and return the first, non-nullĀ value from the series of
Continue readingC program to check whether a number is Strong number or not
Strong Number:- A number is called strong number If the sum of factorial of the digits in any number is
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