PL/SQL Program to Reverse a String
Here we are going to write a pl/sql program to reverse a string.
In this below program going to use the substr() function. substr() function returns a part of string.
Syntax of substr() function is :-
substr(string, position, length);
We are going to use this function to extract character by character from string in reverse order and concatenate it previous extracted character. || is used to concatenate string.
PL/SQL Program to Reverse a String
declare string1 varchar2(50):='amazon'; string2 varchar2(50); len number; k number; begin len:=length(string1); for k in reverse 1..len loop string2:=string2 || substr(string1,k,1); end loop; dbms_output.put_line('String After Reverse is:'||string2); end;
Output is
String After Reverse is:nozama