Several times we have faced an issue that we make any changes to the Laravel application are not reflecting on
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How to check if directory is empty or not in PHP
sometimes we need to check if a directory is empty or not before performing an operation on this directory.For this,
Continue readingPHP program to find the Standard Deviation of an array
To write a program to find Standard Deviation of an array we are going to use below PHP inbuilt functions.
Continue readingPHP :- What is PHP?
PHP stands for personal home page. It is a server side scripting language to developthe dynamic web application. The alias
Continue readingPHP:- To change the port number of Apache server
To change the port number of Apache server in PHP:- Open httpd.conf file Change the values of listen, server local
Continue readingChange the root of PHP application
To change the root of php application open the ‘http.config’ enter new path to the directories Document root Directory Here
Continue readingOutput functions in PHP
Output functions in PHP Print() :- this function display the content on web page and returns a Boolean value
Continue readingPHP Declaration style tags
Types of PHP Declaration style tags :- Universal style tag :- <?php llphp statement print(“welcome to php”) ?> Short
Continue readingXAMPP and XAMPP installation
XAMPP:- It is extension to’WAMPP’ It is and environment providing [ PHP Mysql with apache] Htdocs is a root folder
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It is an environment to work with ‘PHP’ application It stands for[windows apache Mysql PHP & perl] It is providing
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