Insertion sort is not the best sorting algorithm in terms of performance. But this is slightly more efficient than selection sort and bubble sort.
Python Program to Implement Insertion Sort
# Python program to implement Insertion Sort # Function for insertion sort def insertion_Sort(num_arr): # Traversing elements from 1 to len(arr) for j in range(1, len(num_arr)): temp = num_arr[j] k = j-1 while k >=0 and temp < num_arr[k] : num_arr[k+1] = num_arr[k] k -= 1 num_arr[k+1] = temp alist = [42, 10, 9, 15, 26,11,13,5] insertion_Sort(alist) print ("Sorted array Elements are:") for i in range(len(alist)): print ("%d" %alist[i])
Sorted array Elements are: 5 9 10 11 13 15 26 42