Concatenate text from multiple rows into a single string in SQL server?

suppose there is a table entrepreneur in a database holding names, with multiple rows like below:-

For Example:-

Company_Id            entrepreneur_NameName
———-                   ————————————-
1                         Sundar
1                        Larry
1                       Sergey
2                      Steave
2                      Tim
3                      Bill
3                     Sathya

Desired output should be like below:-

Company_Id          entrepreneur_Name
———-                  ————-
1                       Sundar, Larry, Sergey
2                       Steave, Tim
3                        Bill, Sathya

According to our requirement we will write a SQL Query which will produce expected output like below.


in SQL server Query to Concatenate text from multiple rows into a single string

-------------Create a Table with Name entrepreneur

create table entrepreneur
Company_Id int,
entrepreneur_Name varchar(25)

------------Check The Table Structure

exec sp_columns  'entrepreneur'

-----------Inserting Some records in entrepreneur Table

insert into entrepreneur values(1,'Sundar')
insert into entrepreneur values(1,'Larry')
insert into entrepreneur values(1,'Sergey')
insert into entrepreneur values(2,'Steave')
insert into entrepreneur values(2,'Tim')
insert into entrepreneur values(3,'Bill')
insert into entrepreneur values(3,'Sathya')

---------------Check the records in entrepreneur table

select * from entrepreneur

---------------Finally Concatenate text from multiple rows into a single string in SQL server------------

    SUBSTRING((SELECT ','+EP1. entrepreneur_Name AS [text()]
            FROM dbo.entrepreneur EP1
            WHERE EP1.Company_Id = EP2.Company_Id
            ORDER BY EP1.Company_Id
            FOR XML PATH ('')
        ), 2, 1000) [entrepreneur_name]
FROM dbo.entrepreneur EP2


After executing of above script you will get the output like below:-

Company_Id   entrepreneur_name
1                  Sundar,Larry,Sergey
2                  Steave,Tim
3                 Bill,Sathya


Concatenate text from multiple rows into a single string in SQL server



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