In any Version Management, Branching is a efficient way to manage code version management application like git, svn. In development environment, branching make process easier by splitting code in branches as per modules.Below blog post article will help you to create a branch on remote Git repository.
Create Local Branch
First We are going to create branch on local git repository using below command and below command will create a branch named “Phase1” and switch to it immediately.
Syntax: $ git checkout -b <BRANCH_NAME> Command: $ git checkout -b Phase1
Push Branch to Remote
When we push newly created branch to remote Git repository then branch will automatically created on remote git repository.
Syntax: $ git push <REMOTE_NAME> <BRANCH_NAME> Command: $ git push origin Phase1
The above command creates branch on remote git repository with same name as local “Phase1”
and push all files there. If you want to create branch with different name on remote, use below command:-
Syntax: $ git push <REMOTE_NAME> <LOCAL_BRANCH_NAME>:<REMOTE_BRANCH_NAME> Command: $ git push origin Phase1:TestDevModule
Above command will create branch named “TestDevModule” on remote git repository and push data from local branch “Phase1”