System Databases OR System Objects Are Not Visible in SQL Server Management Studio

System Databases OR System Objects Are Not Visible in SQL Server Management Studio.


System objects may be hidden. By default, SQL Server System Objects are listed in the Management Studio Object Explorer.These system objects include system databases, system tables / views / procedures, etc. Provides SQL Server Management Studio The option to hide objects from object explorer to prevent accidental use. Below System objects are hidden after apply the hidden setting in SSMS.

System databases (This is not hidden for SQL Server 2012)
System Tables
System Views
System Stored Procedures


The System Databases OR System Objects in Object Explorer can been hidden or unhidden by following settings in SSMS.
Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) -> Click on “Tools” ->and choose “options”

Expand “Environment” and click on “General”

  • In SQL Server 2012 click on Startup and Select the Check or unchecked the “Hide System objects in Object Explorer” checkbox and then Click on “OK”.
  • Now Close and reopen the SQL Server Management Studio .
  • Once the SQL Server Management Studio opens again and connects the SQL Server instance, system objects will no longer be visible or visible Depending on whether the Hide System object box is checked or unchecked.


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